Monday, 30 March 2020

Wednesday, 1st April

1. Go to Drive (Teleformación) to correct the test and get some other information. 
2. Today you are going to do some revision on Modal Verbs.
Click on the following links for some online exercises. First, revise your notes. The activities with the asterisk are compulsory. It is optional to complete the other activities (but advisable). Have more than one try if your results are low!! 
Do not send me the solutions through the appTake a photo with your mobile and share via Drive

Exercise 1: Multiple choice
Exercise 2: Summary and gap filling
Exercise 3: Gap filling and multiple-choice   *

Exercise 1   (Do not do 10, 11, and translation)
Exercise 3: Modal perfects (Multiple choice and gap-filling)  *

Rewriting    *
Rewriting 2

Monday 30th March

  • Monday 30th March

Here are the links to the 3 parts of the "test":

Reading Comprehension

  • Wednesday, 1st April

As for the Writing (Narrative), remember it is assignement for Wednesday. Use your Drive personal folder to write it and share it with me.

  • Friday, 3rd April

You will have a test on modal verbs (only modals, nothing else). I will add some links on Wednesday so you can do some practice online.

Thursday, 26 March 2020

Friday, 27th March

-Remember you have got a "test" on Monday. I will give you instructions at 10:00. I will send you the URL through Alberto for those who cannot join for any reason. I don't know if everything will work out but at least we will try. Study this weekend!

-Today's work: assignment for Wednesday. Do not send them before! There will be new instructions on how to send your work.
-Today we are going to revise how to write a narrative. But it needs to be a very special, intimate narrative.
Follow the steps:
1. Read the narrative on page 70 (SB) and answer the questions in exercise 2.
2. Read the Time Expressions and Connectors of Sequence box (p 70) Then, do exercises 3 and 4.
3. How to begin our narrativeHook starters
-When you start a narrative, you should do it with a sentence that "hooks" the reader. Read the document from Padlet Ways to "hook" your reader. In what different ways can you start a narrative to hook your reader? (Copy in your notebook)
-Go to page 65. How does the writer begin the story? Do you think that beginning "hooks" the reader?
-Task: Write a narrative following the guide on p. 70 (Opening, Body and Closing). Choose one of the following "hook" sentences to begin your writing.
(*In the Padlet you can read an example of a narrative that a student wrote last year)
These are the "hook" sentences you can choose from:

-“One pound and thirty-two pence. Three times I counted it.”
-When ………… moved away, I felt that my world had come to an end.”
-“How long have you kept a secret?”
-“The moment I saw her/him, I knew I would...”
-“We all came to a new country carrying no more than hope and memories of the past.”
-“Once upon a time, there was a woman who discovered she had turned into the wrong person.”
-“He (She) was born with a gift of laughter and a sense that the world was mad. The day I met him (her), ….
-“This was the first time I had been given a gift.”
-“Call me Ishmael,...”
-“¡This must be a dream! ¡Not a dream, a nightmare!”
-"There was only one thing she was sure about. This was not the life she wanted to live for the rest of her life.”

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Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Wednesday, 25th March

Hello, again!
How did you manage with Conditionals? I hope you did well. I will send you kind of a "test" on Monday so you can see how you are doing with the unit. It will consist of:
-Vocabulary (covered in your SB and extra vocabulary (photocopies)
-Grammar: Conditionals.
-Verb + preposition (Covered today)

New Contents
In the Padlet you will find attached a document with a list of verbs that are followed by a preposition. Some of them are covered in your book, some were studied last year. Some are new.Here you are some flashcards that will help you memorise them.
 Go through the list (read the examples to get to understand) and do the following exercises:
-Student´s book, p. 68, ex. 1, 2 and 3.
-Student's book, p. 73, ex. 8 and 9.
-There are also a couple of exercises in the photocopy attached: You don't need to do them.

Find the solutions in the Padlet.

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Friday, 20 March 2020


The following documents will help you revise Conditionals. You must download them and save them on your computer as I may need to delete some posts if I run out of space in my Padlet.

You don't need to do all the exercises today. You have got today and Monday. You can cover Zero, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Conditionals today and then Mixed Conditionals and Other Ways of Expressing Condition on Monday.

-The first document is a PPT.
-The second document includes the same information as the PPT in pdf format. (The contents in red are extra)
-The third document includes all the exercises. It is a word document: If you cannot print it, you can edit it and save it on your computer.
 There are two levels:
      -The exercises in blue are lower-level exercises.
      -The exercises in black are course-level exercises.
-DECIDE if you need to do ALL exercises OR ONLY COURSE-LEVEL exercises.

-Obviously, you need to know irregular verbs!!!!!

-I will include the solutions as soon as possible (this morning) so you can check them straight away.

-Remember Zero, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Conditionals were introduced in 3rd ESO and revised in 4th ESO. The new contents are Mixed Conditionals and Other Ways of Expressing Condition.

-Remember: you can help each other with Hangouts or Skype!

Good Luck!!

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Friday 20th March

Hi, everybody!
I heard you are stressed! No wonder! So are all the teachers. Let's do our best and pull our weight!

Let me know if the instructions given are not clear or I'm giving you too much work - I don't think so.

Here you are the solutions to the exercises. You need to listen to the track before completing exercise 3.

Next section is grammar.....Oh my god!!!
Well, it is only a revision of conditional sentences. Do you remember? Zero, First, Second, Third...

Click on this link to revise conditionals.

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