Friday, 17 January 2020

Project Term 2: A Podcast


The best podcasts will participate in a contest organised in the school!!!
The final product will be a (5 minutes approx.) podcast in which a relevant person in history talks about his/her life, or about some important aspects of it and his/her achievements. It should be a monologue emphasizing the human aspect of this person and trying to avoid a mere list of events/facts just copied from the Internet.
1- Listen to the model example of podcast about “Santa Teresa” – which you can find in the blog-. This way you will have a clearer idea of what you are expected to do.
2- Choose a person you find interesting: a writer, a politician, an activist (Nobel Peace Prize, for example), ...etc. He/She should preferably come from an English speaking country in order to make your monologue in English more believable.
You might like to choose some relevant people like:
British historical figures: Guy Fawkes, Queen Victoria, Henry VIII, Anne Boleyn, Elizabeth I, Elizabeth II.
Worldwide Icons: Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, John Lennon, Marilyn Monroe, Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, Rosa Parks, Florence Nightingale, Anna Frank.
Here are some writers you might find interesting: Jane Austen, Charlotte Brontë, Mary Shelley, Emily Dickinson, J.K .Rowling, William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, George Orwell, Oscar Wilde, Aldous Huxley.
3- Do some serious research about the person you choose. Try to get and contrast information from different sources. Focus on the person’s human side: his/her personality, his/her family, important events, hardships, obstacles overcome...
4- Write your own script. Type your final version and send it to your teacher BEFORE 17TH FEBRUARY. Mention the sources you have taken the information from.
5- Select some background music which you can add to your recording. Make sure the music volume doesn’t interfere with your voice.
6- Read your text aloud. Pay careful attention to your pronunciation and intonation. Check the pronunciation of difficult words on the internet.
7- Rehearse reading your text as many times as you need to make it sound fluent and natural: You might find these tips useful:
-underline the key words and phrases
-decide where to breathe / plan where you will pause
- enunciate clearly
- change the pitch and tone of your voice as appropriate
-focus on dramatic pauses and emphasis
-practise your reading in from of a friend
- record your reading on your mobile phone and listen to it.
8- Use “Audacity” (audio editor) to record and edit your podcast.
9- Send the podcast and your final script to your teacher.
DEADLINE TO MEET: 3rd of March

The following aspects will be taken into account to assess your work:
-Content (Grammar accuracy / extensive vocabulary / organization of ideas)
-Pronunciation / intonation   (Very important!!!!!)
-Technical aspects (quality of sound..etc)
-Originality / work

* IMPORTANT: No more than three students should record their podcasts about the same “person”. You will find a paper sheet on your class notice board: please write down your name and the figure you have decided to create your podcast about. 
Do not leave your work for the very last minute!!!

Good luck!!