Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Topic essay


1. Divide your essay into introduction, body and conclusion.

  • Introduction.
You can begin like this: "According to (a) recent research/statistics/police report...., the amount /number of....has increased/decreased (by .....per cent.)"
Then , you can continue with a question: "How can .../Why....?"

  • Body.
When you write a topic essay, it is important, first, to plan what you are going to talk about.

-Divide the body into different paragraphs. Each paragraph will introduce a new idea.
-Remember to include main ideas (normally at the beginning of each paragraph) and supporting ideas. 
Use connectors to put everything together: 
-For example, for instance,such as, like,...
-Because, as (puesto que), since (ya que), because of (a cause de), due to/owing to (debido a), due to the fact that (debido a que).
-As a consequence, as a result, therefore (por lo tanto), consequently, that is the reason why...
  • Conclusion. 
In one or two lines, try to sum up the general idea you want to communicate. You can include your opinion here.


Make a list of vocabulary you can use in any topic essay. The following are just some examples.

-Achieve a goal/achievement (conseguir una meta) (logro)
-make people aware of /raise public awareness (despertar la conciencia ciudadana)
-bear in mind (tener en cuenta)
-a large amount of (una gran cantidad de)
-carry out a project (llevar a cabo un proyecto)
-pass a law (aprobar una ley)
-increase (incrementar)
-put pressure on (presionar)
-proposal (propuesta)
-be concerned about...(estar preocupado/interesado por)
-avoid (evitar)
-encourage (animar, incentivar)
-currently / nowadays (actualmente)  // actually (en realidad)
-the lack of (la falta de)
-take measures (tomar medidas)
-develop (desarrollar) Development (desarrollo)
-improve (mejorar)
You can start by learning this vocabulary and using it in your compositions.
  • Do not forget to check any grammar mistakes you have made.

And remember, if you don't practise, you will never be able to improve your writing skills.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Convalidación estudios secundaria y nivel básico EOI

You might find this information interesting if you are thinking about taking up a course at EOI.
 Click here.

"Página núm. 18 BOJA núm. 34 Sevilla, 17 de febrero 2011
ORDEN de 31 de enero de 2011, por la que se regulan
convalidaciones entre estudios de educación secundaria
y estudios correspondientes al nivel básico de las
enseñanzas de idiomas de régimen especial, así como el
reconocimiento de certificados de competencia en idiomas
expedidos por otros organismos o instituciones."