Monday, 25 May 2020


Este es el enlace: Click here for more practice. 


Are you bored? Do you want to keep practising your English? Here you are lots of links to listening, reading and Use of English exercises for those you do not need to take the exam in June but would like to keep working, either because you have a B1 or B2 test soon or because you feel like it.
Check your own answers! Do not send them to the teacher!

  • Listen, learn new vocabulary and expressions and test yourself!!

Listening comprehension 1: All levels 1

Listening comprehension 2: Intermediate level

Listening comprehension 3: High intermediate level

Listening comprehension 4: Advanced level

  • Reading Comprehension

Reading Comprehension  (B2 level)

Exam practice (all parts)

Reading 1       Reading 2     Reading 3    Reading 4

Reading 5      Reading 6       Reading 7     Reading 8 

Reading comprehension (B1 level)

Exam practice (all parts)

Reading 1      Reading 2     Reading 3      Reading 4

Reading 5      Reading 6     Reading 7   

  • Use of English

Use of English (B2 level)

Use of English 1      Use of English 2     Use of English 3      Use of English 4    Use of English 5

Use of English 6

Use of English 6     Use of English 7 (lots of rewriting sentences with solutions at the end PDF)

Monday 25th May

Revision of tenses, part1:
Open your book on page 126. Copy all the answers in your notebook.
-Read the charts and answer questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 about present tenses and past tenses.
-Complete exercises 1, 2, 3.
-Learn irregular verbs (pp. 183 and 184)

-For grammar help and some practice, click on the following links:
a. PRESENT SIMPLE (There is a mistake: Can you find it?)  Try an exercise
b. PRESENT CONTINUOUS                       Try an exercise
c. PAST SIMPLE                Practise irregular verbs   Some more irregular verbs  Try an exercise
d. PAST CONTINUOUS               Try an exercise on past simple and continuous

-Screenshot of ALL exercises in red
-SEND IT TO MY EMAIL ADDRESS!!! See Teleformacíón - 1 Bachillerato b - Inglés

Friday, 22 May 2020

Friday, 22nd May

A partir de las 14:00, os enviaré un documento individualizado con vuestras notas provisionales (este documento es orientativo) y con instrucciones para las semanas que quedan de curso.

Sunday, 17 May 2020

General revision: Wednesday 20th May

  • Select a new set of rewriting exercises. Complete one of each.

 -Passive voice: You will come across a special structure "People think/believe/say that...." that we have not studied this year (you will study it next year). Don't worry about it.
 -Reported speech.
 -Modal verbs.
Here is the link (Click on the links on the left)

Share the screenshots

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Wednesday and Friday, 13th May

Let us continue with Reported Speech. Go to Lesson 2, watch the video (in English or Spanish) and completethe activities.
Send the screenshots to your Drive folder.

1. Lesson 1   
Video 1: Statements (Spanish Version)  
Video: Statements and Questions (English Version)
a. Statements
Match              Verb tenses                  Pronouns and place and time
b. Say or Tell?
Exercise 1                   Exercise 2
Video 2: Questions (Spanish Version)
Exercise 1                   Exercise 2                    Test yourself

2. Lesson 2
a. Requests (Orders)
Video 3: Orders and requests (Spanish version)
Video 3: Order and requests (English version)
Here you have some examples on how to form these sentences (CREATED BY PILAR MUÑOZ-THANKS A LOT!!)  Here is the worksheet if you want to try these examples yourself)
a. He told me to/not to...
Positive                       Negative                       Mixed
b. Some Reporting Verbs
Exercise 1         Exercise 2        Exercise 3
Test yourself  (This is the list of Reporting Verbs that you need to know. Download the worksheet and fill it in; then post it on your Drive folder)  solutions

Do you want some help to study these reporting verbs? Click here  and   here (translation)

- ATTENTION: Si entráis en la carpeta de inglés del Centro (Teleformación -1 Bachillerato B -Inglés) encontraréis las instrucciones de cómo se va a proceder en la asignatura para lo que queda de curso en cuanto a evaluación, recuperación y subida de notas. Leed el documento detenidamente. Si tenéis alguna duda, me podéis consultar por correo.

Remember to share your screenshots today.